Personalized high-end journeys to sacred destinations, offering spiritual seekers a rare and exclusive experience of the world at it's realest best. Meetings with special spiritual teachers of different traditions.
Visiting uncommon places and people all over the globe.

Featured Tour !
in The FootSteps Of The SIddhas /
Sulle Orme Dei Siddha
Pilgrimage in South India with Daniel Lumera /
Pellegrinaggio nel sud dell’India con Daniel Lumera
An extraordinary opportunity to accompany in practice a man who has been totally dedicated to the service of Life for years. /
Una occasione straordinaria per accompagnare nella pratica un uomo che da anni si dedica totalmente al servizio della Vita.
Spiritual Encounters
We like to add on our journeys meetings with spiritual teachers. Some of them very well known, some of the them less known, but not less special. These can be customized when we plan your personal itinerary.
We promote dialogue between religions and spiritual paths in general. The core of the teachings is the same. What changes are the cultural background, history and geographical location.
Our trips are safe and will continue to be safe and protect our pilgrims even during difficult times like our current times.
Silence and Listening
We highlight moment of quiet and silence, to meditate, pray or simply observe. You will never feel rushed like in our life. Here we try something different. Something we can turn into practice.
For All
Our journeys are for all. We create specific itinerary in connection to a specific spiritual path even less know. From Judaism to Christianity (Catholics, Armenians, Orthodox, Coptic, Maronite), from Yoga to the paths of Buddhism, from the Fourth Way to Sufism and more.
We work with the best guides you can imagine, sensitive to our spiritual goals and open to interact and engage with you. Passive listening does not create understanding.
Flexibility and Creativity
We trust the present moment. We respond to what is needed, improvising events, or offering extra rest OR something we did not plan. We are flexible to listen to the need that rises in the here and now.
Fun, Food, Hospitality
Our journeys are focusing on wellbeing, spiritual, psychological; and physical. That includes tasting the best food, the most comfortable accommodation according to budget, and most relaxing and enjoyable events.

Read More Of What Our Participants Say,
"One of the best means for arousing the wish to work on yourself is to realize that you may die at any moment.
But first you must learn how to keep it in mind"
G. I. Gurdjieff